Eliot Cutler Disbarred
Maine media ignores Board of Overseers of the Bar hearing and judge's decision
A little before noon on 2/21/24, Judge Michael Duddy granted a motion to disbar convicted CSAM hoarder and millionaire lawyer Eliot Cutler. A full hearing was to start today, 2/22/24, but in a surprise move Cutler agreed not to challenge the proceedings. He’d already been disbarred in NY, where a felony conviction is an automatic trigger for disbarment. That’s not the case in Maine. Also, the Board of Overseers of the Bar has reserved the right for further inquiry. However, Cutler’s disbarment is immediate and lasts for five years. Then a judge could grant him the right to practice law again. By then, Cutler would be 83.

The disbarment hearing was held on Zoom, (which I watched and vid-scraped, but somehow failed to capture audio) with the judge, Cutler, his attorney Walt McKee and attorney for the “Overseers of the Bar" Julia Sheridan. While the 20 minute long proceedings were seemingly routine, (with Cutler sipping from a mug in his Brooklin “farmhouse,”) the impact, for Cutler, is huge. For decades, his ego (and alleged prowess as a legal mastermind) cultivated the image of him being a hotshot attorney. Like I said, no audio from hearing, but here’s Cutler swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but.
In reality, though, Cutler’s disbarment doesn’t mean much. After all, no one is gonna hire a megalomaniac millionaire perv-felon to help facilitate runway expansions. Especially now knowing Cutler had been hoarding child rape videos for decades, even during his two independent runs for Maine governor.

Be sure to read his pre-obit to learn about his crimes and mild punishment.
I am disappointed that Walter McKee - who I think of as a good guy in the legal community - took this case. I understand everyone deserves an attorney, but Cutler should have had Alina Habba.