Gotta say, I made a MISTAKE yesterday. Exasperated with the chuds harassing various school board members in Augusta and others around the state, I let my Irish temper get the best of me.
First, before I reveal my MISTAKE, here’s some background.

Earlier this month, J-6er Nick Blanchard, aka Corn Pop, organized a group of chuds with the intent to disrupt the first Augusta school board meeting of 2025. A couple weeks prior to the meeting, Blanchard had several tee-shirts printed with the names, home addresses and phone numbers of six School Board members that he’d been accusing of “homosexual child grooming” on the socials and during podcast appearances. Below is a redacted version of the shirt featuring six school boad members.
As off-the-wall as this seems, it’s standard operating procedure for Blanchard and his buddies. As my pal Andy O’Brien and I reported in our Disinfomaniacs podcast series (Trans-Panic in Maine Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3), chuds have been making it very unpleasant for Mainers on elected school boards across the state for years.
(You can read more about the Rhode Island-born-and-raised Blanchard — who moved to Maine in 2019 — and see images of his J-6 activities and info about a fatal car crash he was involved in last May in this Crash Report: “Maine Media Ignores Thousands of End Timers Gathered in Capitol Park.” Plus, you can read about his 2023 baptism in a horse trough during a bizarre ceremony at a now-closed fascist movie theater in Ellsworth by “Pastor” Greg Locke, the witch-hunting Christian-Nationalist self-proclaimed prophet, in this Crash Report.)
Anyway, in the days leading up to the Augusta school board meeting, Blanchard repeatedly shared the tee-shirt and other bullshit with his followers with the goal of inciting enough chud anger to convince MAGAs from across Maine to attend the meeting. So on Jan. 8, Blanchard and about 15 other chuds showed up. And they were pissed. Especially since the school board chair made the unusual decision to limit public comments to Augusta residents and placed a (not so unusual) two-and-a-half minute time limit for each speaker due to the number of people signed up to complain about something to do with bathrooms that wasn’t even on the Board’s agenda.
I don’t want to bore you with the details of what they were mad about, other than it had to do with a perceived gender-related vote on that went down in December. That vote, btw, is already null-and-void due to Trump’s new executive orders. To be clear, no matter what these chuds claim, the vote had nothing to do with BATHROOM policy.
The whole meeting is available to watch here, but I’ve posted three speakers’ videos (below) so you can get a taste for the garbage they were spewing. The first two clips feature Blanchard and his longtime buddy, Pavel Dokukin, who are Augusta residents, though neither has kids in the city’s school system. And Dokukin decided to ignore the school board chair’s time limit (which you can see in the video) resulting in him being removed from the podium by an Augusta police officer, then arrested and charged with criminal trespass.
An Augusta police spokesperson, btw, told me that this was the first time police presence was requested for an Augusta school board meeting. The cop was assigned to the meeting on the behest of school officials alarmed by Blanchard and his buddies’ on-line rantings and ravings about their intent.
In the third clip, a dude who goes by the name Dennis Hammac, claimed to live at 20 Water Street in Augusta, an address that doesn’t exist. Hammac actually lives in Guilford, Maine, an hour and 20 minutes north of state capital, but lied to skirt the board chair’s “residents-only” rule.
As you can see in the videos, these guys acted like assholes. And post-meeting, thanks to the arrest of Dokukin, the crew pivoted, attempting to portray themselves as victims of the deep state. Which more powerful chuds, like “Libs of Tik Tok” and Lil’ Steve of “The Maine Wire” further amplified.
Then, the night after the arrest, Blanchard and Dokukin appeared on the so-called “TruthSlinger” podcast live on Twitter. You can watch here, but CONTENT WARNING: it’s really long and these are guys are crude morons. However, I did watch the whole stupid thing (so you don’t have to). All I can say is yikes.
A list of their offensive comments would be a mile long. But this is clear: the two-and-a-half hours of them drinking beer, doing dabs and bull-shitting with TruthSlinger is a perfect example of the vicious rhetoric and slander that’s prevalent among Trump supporters, especially now that the rapist-criminal is back in Oval Office.
Not surprisingly, they repeatedly dissed the school board chair while giggling about how they loved the attention. Dokukin told TruthSlinger that he intends to run for School Board as revenge for what he thought was an unfair arrest. Also during the livestream, Blanchard unveiled a photoshopped picture of the cop who arrested his buddy, sporting Nazi regalia. The two also proudly waved an actual Russian flag, plus a weird Donkey-and-Swastika flag that Blanchard had printed.
Also during the TruthSlinger podcast, the two explained how they met and became close: At the height of the pandemic, they’d go into Shaw’s, Hannafords and WalMarts across central Maine — maskless — to fill up grocery carts with tons of food. Then they’d cause a scene, scolding store managers, insisting that they had a constitutional right to shop maskless and would refuse to leave. Which meant the cops got called and the pair were served with trespass orders, preventing them from re-entering the store. They did this again and again and again and again, resulting in both being banned from all the store locations between Augusta and Waterville.
The stunt created extra work and was an additional hassle for employees during an already difficult time. Which made both chuds happy. Of course, the stunts also meant they both had to travel great distances to go food shopping.
In the case of the Augusta school board meeting, though, I agree with Dokukin that his arrest was un-warranted and will likely be dismissed, if it hasn’t been already. A more appropriate action would’ve been for the cop to just escort him out of the meeting to demonstrate the board was serious about the time limit and maintaining order during public comment.
This should be a lesson for school boards across the state, because these petulant man-boys have announced plans to visit other school boards they have zero connection to — including MSAD 11 — to publicly list their grievances about public schools. And as you can see, in the TruthSlinger promo for an upcoming MSAD 11 meeting, they don’t intend to be nice. Btw, TruthSlinger, whose real name is Tim Bodnar, lives in Saint Albans, moved to Maine in late 2019 from after screwing up his life in Tennessee. And as you can hear in this video below, he’s threatening the MSAD 11 School Board (which he has no link to) and is seemingly unhinged.
Five days after the meeting debacle, and subsequent media coverage on both tv and local newspapers, a tipster reached out to me. He self-identified as a friend of Blanchard and had planned to attend the meeting but ended up staying home. He was pissed. The post-meeting Nazi-imagery had been too much, he said. We had a phone call and he told me a whole bunch of stuff about Blanchard. Very damning info. Much of which is easily proven. And while some allegations sounded completely in line with his character, they’d be hard to prove, unless Blanchard confessed.
One more thing to explain before I admit MY MISTAKE. Deep into the TruthSlinger interview, out-of-the-blue, Blanchard brings up that someone — ANTIFA, he guessed — had called his new job, asking if he was working there. NOBODY knew where he worked, he insisted, because he was intentionally keeping it a secret. Probably because he’d recently posted how he was getting hired as a manager at a local Dunkin. Then, according to my source, the owner ran a background check on him and the job offer was subsequently withdrawn.
Luckily, Blanchard said, his new boss told the caller that no one with that name was employed there. Whew, Blanchard said, his job secret was safe.
Funny thing is… I was that caller.
Not to brag, but I have a knack for being able to figure stuff out, especially when a chud is simultaneously trying to hide something and is also a blabbermouth. After publicly posting about his failure at Dunkin, Blanchard couldn’t help but brag that he’d been hired for a better job at a higher pay.
And the dummy posted a heavily-redacted version of the job offer on Facebook. That post, plus a cryptic post about a trip to Massachusetts to visit HR, was enough for me to pinpoint his new gig. So in mid-December, I filed away the information away, for possible future use.
Then, a month later, a day after the Augusta meeting, I called the joint, asking for Blanchard. And the bossman claimed “nobody there by that name.” Gotta say, I was a little disappointed, because I’m usually spot on with my research. Oh well, I thought. Must be a glitch in the matrix.
Imagine my surprise, then, when Blanchard confirmed his place of employment, via the TruthSlinger jibber-jabber.
Thing is, I didn’t (and won’t) reveal the place of his employment to masses of people who hate the motherfucker. That would be akin to releasing an army of junkyard dogs on a dumb chud. The asshole would lose his menial labor job which would trickle down to negatively impacting his young son.
One more detail. Not important, but pertinent. This fall, after splitting seven cord of firewood BY HAND, along with raising three giant pigs and 35 broiler chickens, I was feeling pain in my pelvis. Went to the doc and found out that I had an inguinal hernia. Not a surprise. I’m a 56-year-old homesteader with a lumberjacking hobby and a fondness for hard labor and hard livin’.
So last week, after a couple months of agony and discomfort, I visited my local sawbones, who patched the damn thing. All went well. The rule is, however, no lifting or pulling or pushing for another month or so.
Also, I quit smoking weed (which, as you can probably imagine, is a big deal) because a couple doctors recommended I pivot to edibles or vaping pure hashish. (I chose the latter. New Puffco vape showed up last night. Totally recommend 100 percent!)
All that to put in context what happened next: MY MISTAKE DUE TO BEING SLIGHTLY OUT-OF-SORTS.
Thanks to the conversation with Blanchard’s friend spilling all the dirt, I was pissed. Seemed like society was unable to hold these chuds accountable. And Trump’s election further empowered Blanchard. (Google ‘Overton Window’ to learn why.) His posts and interviews calling educators groomers — coupled with his IRL activities — were getting worse, more specific and more frequent.
Then, on the morning of President Musk’s D.C. coronation, Blanchard posted a lame and gleeful video. So I decided to teach the asshole a lesson. Using details provided to me by Blanchard’s friend, I wrote the following telephone script.
“You tell Nick Blanchard to stay away from my underage daughter. He’s been feeding her Fireball shots and beer and gives her dabs. If I hear of him doing that again, I’ll send the Augusta cops to his work to take care of this.”
Then I dialed the digits to his workplace and asked if Nick Blanchard was there. Nope, said the woman who answered the phone. So I left the message and then hung up.
And that was to be the end of it. I wanted to teach the son-of-a-bitch a lesson. Give ‘em a taste of his own medicine, so to speak.
After all, I’ve been monitoring this asshole’s bad public behavior for YEARS. I’ve watched videos of him harassing LGBTQ students at Deering High in Portland. I’ve collected countless photos of him holding “White Lives Matters” signs in various locations around the state. I’ve viewed many livestreams of him harassing public officials at multiple Maine communities (Skowhegan, Waterville, Augusta and more) ever since the pandemic. He’s called countless Mainers “pedos, molesters and groomers” on-line and IRL.
Not to mention, the disgusting sign he hauled around Maine in the days leading up to the 2024 election.

So this morning, when Blanchard arrived at work, they apparently delivered my message. Next, he called my number (which I had thought I’d blocked…oops) in tears and left a voicemail about how he was calling the Augusta cops and filing charges against me. Although, at that moment, he didn’t know it was me.
Then he posted the phone number on Facebook, complaining that an unknown caller was spreading lies about him at work. He also said that he was pretty sure it was same person who reported him to DHHS for some unknown reason last month.
My only phone call was to his workplace. And, repeating this for the chuds reading this, I’ve never revealed to anyone where he works.
However, after Blanchard posted the phone digits, several of his pals (with a better working knowledge of google than he) were able to link the damn phone number to ME.
Now back to the mea culpa. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have made the call. For several reasons. One: it ruined a perfectly good burner phone number — which I’ve now ditched. Also, I had better things to do this morning than write another CRASH REPORT on this clown.
That being said, I don’t regret my actions. I wanted Blanchard to know what it feels like when a stranger comes to your workplace and says mean stuff about you. And he’s lucky. My call only impacted him at his workplace. His rants make the news across the chud-i-sphere. (He is a frequent caller on Infowars.)
Plus, I gotta say, it’s amusing to make chuds sob. And it’s hilarious that the crybaby called the cops. Blanchard is well-known, to be sure, to the local folks in blue, thanks to his numerous run-ins at local stores and the Augusta school board meeting, etc.
And I’m sure the Augusta PD is a big fan of his photoshop skills.
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